Well here we are again. This is the recap of year 2 to year 3. First sentences from most of the year that was year 2, the year of the yeti.
So for Halloween this year we tracked, killed, and skinned Elmo.
So Wifey thinks that wearing only one sock at night is a definite sign of insanity, much like wearing a boot on one’s head.
What to say?
So I get this call Saturday evening.
The only 2 dimensional natural phenomenon known to man is a rainbow.
I feel that I have something that needs to be said, and I am going to get it off my chest.
Had a meeting in Cleveland today.
Okay, so I was not hallucinating when I was peeing Friday afternoon.
So, Little Man pants’d Wifey at the library last night.
House cleaning is a bitch.
So on the way to work today a few things happened.
So what am I thankful for?
Fowl Holiday 05 has come and went.
Why can’t the weather make up its damn mind?
So Little Man slept in his Big Boy bed all night.
So Last night’s sleep situation was not as wildly successful as Tuesday evening.
It happened last night.
You know your wife really wants to get off the phone when she starts singing the lyrics from the Human League.
I do not want this to become one of those annoying blogs where all the author (yes, lofty to refer to oneself as an author when all one is doing is blogging, but what the hey) does is talk about the aforementioned author’s amazingly cute progeny.
Christmas music time is upon us yet again.
I have nothing to chat about today, yet again.
Little Man is sick today, so I am tending to him today.
Sorry about the lack of post today, Little Man had another trip to the ER.
Okay now I have a headache.
I started out thinking that I could get away with a simple, yet elegant “Mea Culpa” idea to apologize ("apologise" for the Queen’s English folk) about my errors dealing with the Comments portion of the page.
T’was the Thursday before Christmas, when all through the cube No work was accomplished by this bored blogging rube.
Nothing says “Hey, Tubby, get off your lazy ass” like getting a gym membership in your stocking for Christmas
FYI: do not start up an exercise regime, from not doing anything for 2 years, by getting on an elliptical machine and having Rage Against the Machine’s Testify come on as your starting song.
Oh, the New Year is here.
I slept wrong last night.
I am at home today with my lovely little boy.
The evening ritual for Little Man is as follows.
So last night was a night destined to be near sleepless.
Wifey is doing much better, but reading is quite a chore for her still.
I love going out to lunch.
Today we have a guest blog appearance from, none other than, Wifey.
Sweet Mother of God, I thought it was Friday when I got up this morning.
Ah, the promise of a new week.
Somebody just exploded in the bathroom.
I have been marked for death.
Nothing says “Great Custodial Staff and Hygenic Co-Workers “ like worms in the urinals.
Turn out Little Man loves Fanta Orange.
So, I have absolutely nothing today.
I see that I have hit a chord talking about nothing.
We are having our departmental holiday party today.
Back in bidness, baby!
So it was 10 years ago today that I asked Wifey if she would marry me.
Man, am I tired.
This past Friday evening Wifey and I went to the closing show of a local Columbus Theatre/Cabaret.
So the Olympics Fever is firmly ensconced at the Casa del SRH.
Many of the people I work with call today “Single’s Awareness Day” due to the emphasis on relationships placed on today.
I should really be able to get over this by now.
The funny thing about this job is just how much time I have on my hands whilst being insanely busy.
Of the non-speed skating events at the Olympics, the ice-dancing is the best of the lot.
Turns out that Mardi Gras is not that popular a holiday in northeastern Ohio.
They are currently “renovating” the bathrooms on my side of the building.
Ah, Lent.
You know you are officially old when you can “sleep wrong.”
I have much to do this weekend.
It was a nice afternoon.
To steal a phrase from a friend: “Mother Nature is off her lithium.”
For a moment there, I was Number 1.
Okay, I have been in a whole bunch of bathrooms in my day.
I hate spiders.
The best thing about meetings is that they sometimes come with the option of free food.
Usually I count on the weekend for some material, but my life has gotten so boring that I cannot even do that.
Unfortunately, SRH is out of town most of today, so he won’t be able to do his normal blogging about nada, nunca, nothing.
Yes, Hell does have a name.
I got my hair cut today.
Whoever said that fresh air and exercise will help kids sleep, was full of horse shit.
I was going to blog today as one of the imaginary firemen lodged within one of Little Man’s various fire trucks that he “plays” with.
I just felt like wearing a silk shirt today.
I fought the law… and it was a draw.
Yep, Little Man now has a vocation.
Today I am writing a document.
There is a whole bunch of confusion out there about cryptozoologicals.
It is always a pleasure to see my family in the middle of the day.
The problem with me doing yard work is that number 1, its work, number 2, okay wait a second… let me try that again.
So I have traded in my Caffeine Free Mountain Dew for Sunkist: Good, Good, Good, Good Vibrations.
Okay, I am postiong this email conversation that I have been having with “The Yeti” for the past few days.
Someone once asked me, “Do you have a personal philosophy?”
Today is a Papa at home with his boy day.
Turns out that my much wanted and desired nap experience did not pan out.
The meal with the ‘rents went well.
There is no Hell like High School Prom night dining.
If one gets specific, one seems insane when one mentions one’s pet peeves.
I am not feeling well today.
On Monday the family will be getting our stuff together and heading to Chicago.
My commute is not a terribly long drive.
Today is an odd day for me.
I need to fix the garbage disposal.
I did not eat enough lunch today and I am still quite hungry.
So where the Hell did the toaster oven go?!?!
Tomorrow I get to be a handsome, svelte, well-groomed, successful, tan, enviable man… relatively speaking, of course.
So I have received an ultimatum.
I would not be surprised if I have a shiner over my right eye by tomorrow.
It seems that we now have a puppy.
The problem with microwave frozen pizzas is that they are not really on any semblance of French bread and they are not really all that pizza like.
Would it be so wrong to have some roughage in sesame chicken or sweet and sour pork?
Today is Little Man’s 3rd birthday.
Little Man is still an eating machine.
I have walked on many a tile floor in my days.
I truly think that the most under-used of all plastic utensils is the spork.
So yesterday at dinner Little Man did 2 things that, frankly, scared the ever-living poop out of me.
If anyone ever wondered what it is I do, I make maps.
So for yesterday’s Papa Day I took Little Man to the Zoo.
As some of you may know, Columbus, Ohio is often times a hot-bed of fast food test marketing.
Friday evening, Wifey and I had our house taken off the market.
Okay, I don’t quite understand this necessity of Wifey.
This weekend is a weekend of change.
Thanks for the questions everyone.
What can I say?
As of today, it has been 9 years of marital bliss for me and Wifey.
There is nothing facetious about an El Camino.
So the curls are gone.
I am tired.
Look at them… so smug… so full of themselves.
I think a higher power might be trying to tell me something.
Oh, it is here! My second Blogaversary.
To recap:
Again, this whole post was one gigantic recap
Listening to Mandelbrot Set by Jonathan Coulton
So for Halloween this year we tracked, killed, and skinned Elmo.
So Wifey thinks that wearing only one sock at night is a definite sign of insanity, much like wearing a boot on one’s head.
What to say?
So I get this call Saturday evening.
The only 2 dimensional natural phenomenon known to man is a rainbow.
I feel that I have something that needs to be said, and I am going to get it off my chest.
Had a meeting in Cleveland today.
Okay, so I was not hallucinating when I was peeing Friday afternoon.
So, Little Man pants’d Wifey at the library last night.
House cleaning is a bitch.
So on the way to work today a few things happened.
So what am I thankful for?
Fowl Holiday 05 has come and went.
Why can’t the weather make up its damn mind?
So Little Man slept in his Big Boy bed all night.
So Last night’s sleep situation was not as wildly successful as Tuesday evening.
It happened last night.
You know your wife really wants to get off the phone when she starts singing the lyrics from the Human League.
I do not want this to become one of those annoying blogs where all the author (yes, lofty to refer to oneself as an author when all one is doing is blogging, but what the hey) does is talk about the aforementioned author’s amazingly cute progeny.
Christmas music time is upon us yet again.
I have nothing to chat about today, yet again.
Little Man is sick today, so I am tending to him today.
Sorry about the lack of post today, Little Man had another trip to the ER.
Okay now I have a headache.
I started out thinking that I could get away with a simple, yet elegant “Mea Culpa” idea to apologize ("apologise" for the Queen’s English folk) about my errors dealing with the Comments portion of the page.
T’was the Thursday before Christmas, when all through the cube No work was accomplished by this bored blogging rube.
Nothing says “Hey, Tubby, get off your lazy ass” like getting a gym membership in your stocking for Christmas
FYI: do not start up an exercise regime, from not doing anything for 2 years, by getting on an elliptical machine and having Rage Against the Machine’s Testify come on as your starting song.
Oh, the New Year is here.
I slept wrong last night.
I am at home today with my lovely little boy.
The evening ritual for Little Man is as follows.
So last night was a night destined to be near sleepless.
Wifey is doing much better, but reading is quite a chore for her still.
I love going out to lunch.
Today we have a guest blog appearance from, none other than, Wifey.
Sweet Mother of God, I thought it was Friday when I got up this morning.
Ah, the promise of a new week.
Somebody just exploded in the bathroom.
I have been marked for death.
Nothing says “Great Custodial Staff and Hygenic Co-Workers “ like worms in the urinals.
Turn out Little Man loves Fanta Orange.
So, I have absolutely nothing today.
I see that I have hit a chord talking about nothing.
We are having our departmental holiday party today.
Back in bidness, baby!
So it was 10 years ago today that I asked Wifey if she would marry me.
Man, am I tired.
This past Friday evening Wifey and I went to the closing show of a local Columbus Theatre/Cabaret.
So the Olympics Fever is firmly ensconced at the Casa del SRH.
Many of the people I work with call today “Single’s Awareness Day” due to the emphasis on relationships placed on today.
I should really be able to get over this by now.
The funny thing about this job is just how much time I have on my hands whilst being insanely busy.
Of the non-speed skating events at the Olympics, the ice-dancing is the best of the lot.
Turns out that Mardi Gras is not that popular a holiday in northeastern Ohio.
They are currently “renovating” the bathrooms on my side of the building.
Ah, Lent.
You know you are officially old when you can “sleep wrong.”
I have much to do this weekend.
It was a nice afternoon.
To steal a phrase from a friend: “Mother Nature is off her lithium.”
For a moment there, I was Number 1.
Okay, I have been in a whole bunch of bathrooms in my day.
I hate spiders.
The best thing about meetings is that they sometimes come with the option of free food.
Usually I count on the weekend for some material, but my life has gotten so boring that I cannot even do that.
Unfortunately, SRH is out of town most of today, so he won’t be able to do his normal blogging about nada, nunca, nothing.
Yes, Hell does have a name.
I got my hair cut today.
Whoever said that fresh air and exercise will help kids sleep, was full of horse shit.
I was going to blog today as one of the imaginary firemen lodged within one of Little Man’s various fire trucks that he “plays” with.
I just felt like wearing a silk shirt today.
I fought the law… and it was a draw.
Yep, Little Man now has a vocation.
Today I am writing a document.
There is a whole bunch of confusion out there about cryptozoologicals.
It is always a pleasure to see my family in the middle of the day.
The problem with me doing yard work is that number 1, its work, number 2, okay wait a second… let me try that again.
So I have traded in my Caffeine Free Mountain Dew for Sunkist: Good, Good, Good, Good Vibrations.
Okay, I am postiong this email conversation that I have been having with “The Yeti” for the past few days.
Someone once asked me, “Do you have a personal philosophy?”
Today is a Papa at home with his boy day.
Turns out that my much wanted and desired nap experience did not pan out.
The meal with the ‘rents went well.
There is no Hell like High School Prom night dining.
If one gets specific, one seems insane when one mentions one’s pet peeves.
I am not feeling well today.
On Monday the family will be getting our stuff together and heading to Chicago.
My commute is not a terribly long drive.
Today is an odd day for me.
I need to fix the garbage disposal.
I did not eat enough lunch today and I am still quite hungry.
So where the Hell did the toaster oven go?!?!
Tomorrow I get to be a handsome, svelte, well-groomed, successful, tan, enviable man… relatively speaking, of course.
So I have received an ultimatum.
I would not be surprised if I have a shiner over my right eye by tomorrow.
It seems that we now have a puppy.
The problem with microwave frozen pizzas is that they are not really on any semblance of French bread and they are not really all that pizza like.
Would it be so wrong to have some roughage in sesame chicken or sweet and sour pork?
Today is Little Man’s 3rd birthday.
Little Man is still an eating machine.
I have walked on many a tile floor in my days.
I truly think that the most under-used of all plastic utensils is the spork.
So yesterday at dinner Little Man did 2 things that, frankly, scared the ever-living poop out of me.
If anyone ever wondered what it is I do, I make maps.
So for yesterday’s Papa Day I took Little Man to the Zoo.
As some of you may know, Columbus, Ohio is often times a hot-bed of fast food test marketing.
Friday evening, Wifey and I had our house taken off the market.
Okay, I don’t quite understand this necessity of Wifey.
This weekend is a weekend of change.
Thanks for the questions everyone.
What can I say?
As of today, it has been 9 years of marital bliss for me and Wifey.
There is nothing facetious about an El Camino.
So the curls are gone.
I am tired.
Look at them… so smug… so full of themselves.
I think a higher power might be trying to tell me something.
Oh, it is here! My second Blogaversary.
To recap:
Again, this whole post was one gigantic recap
Listening to Mandelbrot Set by Jonathan Coulton
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