Wifey and I used to do a really good job of planning a menu for the week and then going on a big grocery trip with Little Man on Sundays. In the past 2 months we have fallen off the meal-planning wagon. This has led to a few different problems.
Problem the 1 st: Many a trip to the grocery store to pick up ingredients here and there. We are going to the local grocery store (luckily at the bottom of our street) about 4 times a week. Instead of one looong trip where we walk the entire store and get a ton of groceries, we are constantly running to and fro.
Problem the 2 nd: We end up getting fast food too much. Besides the relative lack of nutrition associated with the food that is fast, there is also the cost per person financially for the partaking of the neatly wrapped hand held fatty, salty, sugary foodstuffs. I am not sure you, dear readers, are quite aware of just how unhealthy fast food is. Oh wait, you may also not realize that the sky during a non-cloudy day happens to be a light blue, or that humans need air to breathe. Regardless of what you are or are not aware of, fast food is not what we want to base our health upon.
Problem the 3 rd: We are falling into a rut of expedient eating at home. We are making the same things over and over and over and over and over. I think even Little Man is getting tired of the same old meals coming across his plate. We have 4 or 5 really solid cookbooks that we used to draw upon to come up with some kick-ass dinners. Since we are just piecing meals together at the last second, we are making the things that we have memorized or just making it up as we go. These 2 methods are not bad, but they should not be the only methods.
Problem the 4 th: There are no left-overs that I want to bring to work with me. Since we are making the same meals over and over and over and over, I am tired of the typical. I need some interest. This causes me to eat out for lunches way too often. I enjoy the people that I happen to lunch with, but it is waaay too costly to eat with those jokers on a daily basis.
What I am getting at with these 4 problems is that I have no idea what Little Man and I will be having for dinner tonight. Wifey, conveniently, has a meeting this evening that has food. Most likely it is foods that will aggravate her tumor which in turn will punch her gall bladder in the proverbial “jimmy” causing her mush discomfort, but she will not have to figure out what to have for dinner. She is ever so lucky. Ever so. I will, on the other hand, be trying to convince Little Man that he wants a hamburger made by yours truly instead of a clown or a plastic monarch.
To recap:
Staring at a blank Word document does not help a post get written
Especially when I have only allotted 20 minutes to create a post for today
I am afraid, dear readers, that inspiration does not work on a timetable
Schedule it all I want and things won’t necessarily fall into place
I don’t like running
I don’t like scissors
And yet…
Problem the 1 st: Many a trip to the grocery store to pick up ingredients here and there. We are going to the local grocery store (luckily at the bottom of our street) about 4 times a week. Instead of one looong trip where we walk the entire store and get a ton of groceries, we are constantly running to and fro.
Problem the 2 nd: We end up getting fast food too much. Besides the relative lack of nutrition associated with the food that is fast, there is also the cost per person financially for the partaking of the neatly wrapped hand held fatty, salty, sugary foodstuffs. I am not sure you, dear readers, are quite aware of just how unhealthy fast food is. Oh wait, you may also not realize that the sky during a non-cloudy day happens to be a light blue, or that humans need air to breathe. Regardless of what you are or are not aware of, fast food is not what we want to base our health upon.
Problem the 3 rd: We are falling into a rut of expedient eating at home. We are making the same things over and over and over and over and over. I think even Little Man is getting tired of the same old meals coming across his plate. We have 4 or 5 really solid cookbooks that we used to draw upon to come up with some kick-ass dinners. Since we are just piecing meals together at the last second, we are making the things that we have memorized or just making it up as we go. These 2 methods are not bad, but they should not be the only methods.
Problem the 4 th: There are no left-overs that I want to bring to work with me. Since we are making the same meals over and over and over and over, I am tired of the typical. I need some interest. This causes me to eat out for lunches way too often. I enjoy the people that I happen to lunch with, but it is waaay too costly to eat with those jokers on a daily basis.
What I am getting at with these 4 problems is that I have no idea what Little Man and I will be having for dinner tonight. Wifey, conveniently, has a meeting this evening that has food. Most likely it is foods that will aggravate her tumor which in turn will punch her gall bladder in the proverbial “jimmy” causing her mush discomfort, but she will not have to figure out what to have for dinner. She is ever so lucky. Ever so. I will, on the other hand, be trying to convince Little Man that he wants a hamburger made by yours truly instead of a clown or a plastic monarch.

Who knew the King was “street?”
To recap:
Staring at a blank Word document does not help a post get written
Especially when I have only allotted 20 minutes to create a post for today
I am afraid, dear readers, that inspiration does not work on a timetable
Schedule it all I want and things won’t necessarily fall into place
I don’t like running
I don’t like scissors
And yet…
Regarding your lunch with friends dilemma, I find that if you make a few ill-humored political remarks, they will stop inviting you. Money saved. Problem solved.
Sadly, ill political humor is the currency at our lunch conversations.
For a second there I thought I was reading a post written by my husband. I think everyone has this problem.
In trying to solve this problem, I bet my husband that I could run more miles than him during each month in 2007. The loser would have to research, shop for and create a new meal for each night for one week.
Ok, so I was the loser for Jan. and Feb., but I am so kicking his butt this month...but that's beside the point...the point IS that we now have a lot of new meals and are getting bored less.
Maybe you can do something like this!
That is a good idea, but our issue does not arise because we cannot think of new things to eat. It arrises because we cannot think up new ideas "on the fly."
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