So I was all motivated to do some work today. I have been a bit lax in the motivation department lately because it has been very grey and overcast if it is not raining. The rain has been fairly constant as well. In fact, I am not looking forward to going into the basement tonight and seeing how much water is standing in the basement floor. It is a downfall associated with the neighborhood area that I live in.
Anyway… here I was all bright eyed and bushy tailed, rip roaring ready to go when my work environment altered itself significantly. The alteration was temporary in nature, but had further reaching effects other than its temporary inconvenience. You see, dear readers, the power went out. It is hard to work in a desktop computer environment when the power goes out. Difficult indeed. The power went out for a second, and then came back on, went off, came on, went off, came on, and then stayed off. So let’s see, the power re-routed 3 times and failed each time. We figured that the power would be off for a good amount of time.
This did not bode well for the productivity. I could actually feel the motivation leaking from me moment by moment. Each minute sans power caused more and more of my work ethic to erode, until finally I was looking for a quite corner in which to nap. If I did not have a penchant for the snoring, I would most likely have ridden this power outage in an unconscious state. Blessed unconsciousness…
So to make a medium sized story prattle on for a few more lines, I lost that motivation super quick without the artificial lighting to fuel my inner fire. You gots ta have artificial lighting to get motivated to work on a pc.
To recap:
24th installment of the No Longer Random Alphabet of SRH tomorrow
I can hear the collective bated breaths
Oh, great, now I am hearing things
I used my cell phone as a flash light in the bathroom
This is what the bathroom looks like without power
We had ice cream today at work
I feel bloated
Either today or tomorrow I need to get to the gym
Pending on Wifey’s work out schedule
We both cannot work out at the same time
Cause then Little Man would be left at home… alone…
With matches...
Duck tape...
Stuffed animals...
A power drill...
And 3 year old left-over cat food
The picture I am imagining is a scary one…
Anyway… here I was all bright eyed and bushy tailed, rip roaring ready to go when my work environment altered itself significantly. The alteration was temporary in nature, but had further reaching effects other than its temporary inconvenience. You see, dear readers, the power went out. It is hard to work in a desktop computer environment when the power goes out. Difficult indeed. The power went out for a second, and then came back on, went off, came on, went off, came on, and then stayed off. So let’s see, the power re-routed 3 times and failed each time. We figured that the power would be off for a good amount of time.
This did not bode well for the productivity. I could actually feel the motivation leaking from me moment by moment. Each minute sans power caused more and more of my work ethic to erode, until finally I was looking for a quite corner in which to nap. If I did not have a penchant for the snoring, I would most likely have ridden this power outage in an unconscious state. Blessed unconsciousness…
So to make a medium sized story prattle on for a few more lines, I lost that motivation super quick without the artificial lighting to fuel my inner fire. You gots ta have artificial lighting to get motivated to work on a pc.
To recap:
24th installment of the No Longer Random Alphabet of SRH tomorrow
I can hear the collective bated breaths
Oh, great, now I am hearing things
I used my cell phone as a flash light in the bathroom

We had ice cream today at work
I feel bloated
Either today or tomorrow I need to get to the gym
Pending on Wifey’s work out schedule
We both cannot work out at the same time
Cause then Little Man would be left at home… alone…
With matches...
Duck tape...
Stuffed animals...
A power drill...
And 3 year old left-over cat food
The picture I am imagining is a scary one…
Labels: mad ramblings
Oh man -- you get the standing-water-in-the-basement too? I think it's all of Clintonville that gets that, and it makes me INSANE. We have yet to get any real damage to our stuff, since we learned quickly to keep cardboard and wood off the floor, but I feel this awful dread whenever it rains three days in a row.
The next time I buy a house, I'll be smarter about noticing hydro-basement "tells." Like the freshly painted floor. And the raised concrete platform for the washer and dryer. And the small wooden palette by the wall. Grrrrr.
Good thing I don't let it get to me. Water off a duck's back. Water under the bridge. Waterwaterwaterwaterwaterwater . . .
Thank you. Your post today has totally ruined any motivation which remained coursing through my body. I am zapped, drained, totally apathetic. Now I shall sit in my office and ponder the uselessness of attempting any work and the dread it fills me with.
It is most definitely a Clintonville thing. If you don't have a sump pump, you have standing water. It is just part of the "charm."
John P.
At least you didn't have to crap in the dark.
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