Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Well, I am still riding the unemployment train and starting to realize that I need to take more action to fill my day. That means that I need to step up the items on my “To Do:” list and come up with weekly chores around the house to at least make my living environment better. Therefore, today’s topic is “Chores.”
Thanks this week go to ACW, Sparky,
Lsig, Dr B-Dawg,
Belsum, John P, Atmikha, and Wifey. I have collected the similar questions into single repetitive questions.
On to the Questions:
1. Does Little Man have any chores? Any regularly scheduled ones? Is Little Man onto the fact that chores aren't fun and requires an allowance for his perfomance of the chores? List of Little Man Chores:...
Little Man does have some things that could be defined as chores. They involve cleaning up after himself, mostly. So far we are using an achievement based system that rewards him with Go! Diego! Go! Wii games and root beer. He has to keep his train table clean and the trains and track off the floor in the living room and dining room. He needs to regularly “clean” his room (pick up the train tracks in there as well) .
2. Is the house cleaner now, than a year ago? Is the house as clean as you want it? Is the house more clean, laundry caught up and woodpile stocked with freshly chopped wood these days?
We have an almost nine month old in the house right now, so the house is in an absolute shambles. This place is no where near as clean as Wifey or I would like it to be, and the amounts of laundry that needs to be done is a bit staggering much like the amount of clothes that need to be put away.
3. Whole house cleaning or just a room at any one time?
I am a room by room cleaner. Especially since the whole house is such a sty at the moment. The most we can get clean is one or two rooms at a time.
4. Do you employ Little Man to get into those hard-to-reach places?
No, but that is a great idea, and he seems to want to be more and more helpful…
5. What's your forte - dusting, vacuuming, dishes?
I am good at most things, but I really got pretty good at washing dishes in the apartment years of our marriage.
6a. I despise scrubbing the kitchen floor. What chore do you despise? Are there some chores that you can't stand, so you make sure to demonstrate occasionally how unequipped you are to perform it? What Chore do you absolutely hate more than the mighty Hippo? When faced with cleaning bathrooms, I will suddenly see an urgent need to go to the garage, mix up the degreaser and take care of those unsightly oil spots. The bathroom usually has to wait until a certain crescendo of shame and repulsion has peaked. Unless I have to write a big paper, or pay bills. Are there any chores you really can't bring yourself to do?
I hate most chores because of their near endless nature. I get all the dishes put away and then need to eat again. Now I have dirty dishes that need to be taken care of. Unless I naked myself up, and make the fam go nudist for a day, all the clothes in the house are never clean, etc… I hate Chores.
6b. Do you have any chores that you actually like? What Chore do you really not mind at all? When entering chore mode, I make a list, consider it, then invariably do the laundry. Are there any chores you enjoy, or at least don't mind doing on a daily basis?
There are no chores that I actually “like.” It would become an “activity” if I liked it. I don’t mind sweeping, but Wifey does mind when I sweep because I am too slow and too thorough.
7. Cinderella sings a happy tune while doing her endless chores. You?
I curse in as many languages as I can in my head.
8. Did you get an allowance for doing chores as a child? Will Little Man or Q and if yes, at what age will you start? How soon before you put the kids to work on some of your most hated chores? List of Chores you can't wait until Little Man is able to do instead of you:...
I did get an allowance pittance. Anyone who knows my parents know that they were not quite free with their spending. I think when Little Man and Q get to Kindergarten it might be time to introduce them to the concept of the “Chore.” When Little Man can mow I will be a happy man. Sadly he is still quite young for that kind of task.
9. Is writing the blog a chore? Is writing this blog a chore?
Sometimes, yes… sometimes, no.
10. What chores did you have assigned to you as a kid?
I had to mow the yard as well as take out the trash. Vacuuming was occasionally required as well.
11. How do you divide up the chores in your house now? Did you and Wifey have to actively split up duties or did the division come pretty naturally? Who has bug/big hairy spider killing duty? What’s the one thing that you let get to you that doesn’t bother Wifey and vice versa?
So far we have not really sat down and had a “chore summit” for a while. It is definitely time to re-distribute the tasks necessary to keeping a family in a house.
12. Would a chore by any other name be the same? Like, if you called it a game, would that make washing dishes any more fun?
Games have rewards for accomplishments, especially computer games. So unless I can “level up” and do dishes faster or kill orcs whilst washing dishes, no, calling them a game would just be lying.
13. Do you have a weekly/daily schedule of chores, or do you call them as you see them? Are you a list maker or do you just do what obviously needs to be done?
I abhor the concept of lists, yet I think it might be time for me to grow up and use one or two.
14. What is the relationship between time consumption of the chore and the involvement of tools?
I have found that the chores that demand the least tools or the simplest tools are the worst ones. Cleanser and sponge comes to mind.
15. “Chore” rhymes with “bore,” is that intentional? Please explain the origin of the word Chore.
I think the rhyming is more serendipitous than intentional. And etymology is a chore to me, so find out its origin your damn self.
16. Are there any household duties that you really don’t mind doing but become chores when expected regularly? For me that would be cooking dinner. I like to cook but coming up with a quick and easy supper plan every night gets old.
Little Man’s bath comes to mind as well as cooking. If we have an idea of what we are going to eat that week, cooking isn’t so bad, but it is difficult to continually “whip something up,” so to speak.
17. Martha Stewart made a fortune of celebrating the "Art of Living," in other words, the elevation of tedious household cleaning and maintenance tasks to exercises in artisanal excellence. Would you consider her a saint or a nut job?
She is whacked in the head, a complete nutter.
18. Why is it that as a kid, mopping the floors and mowing the lawns seemed like way more fun than taking a nap?
It turns out that kids are not that bright.
19. What is the opposite of chores?
A nap.
20. What motivates you to do chores?
An abject fear of Wifey.
And an extra five from Wifey, cause she deserves it.
1. I know someone is going to ask you you're least favorite chore...and I'm not sure what your answer will be, but I'm sure you won't mention your seeming inability to throw something in the trash once it's used up. So...why is that your least favorite chore? Even if you walk past the trash on your way to doing something else, you won't throw things away. Why?
Next questions please!
2. Which chore is more enjoyable: bathtime with Q or bathtime with Little Man?
Q enjoys the baths so much, hers is pretty fun, but there is also a splash zone that you might find at a Sea World or Gallagher show
3. Do you think the way we split chores at our house is fair and equitable?
No, it needs to be renegotiated since I am not working 40 hours a week in a Hell Hole.
4. Seriously?
5. What's the most chore-y thing you do that you enjoy?
I like folding clothes to some degree… I’ll fold them if you want to put them away…
To recap:
The-Man-Who-Was-Once-Named-Lord-Pithy sent in some questions but only after I had already written the bulk of this post
So here are 5 more questions:
1. Would growing your nails to an unreasonable length be considered a chore?
Cleaning under your unduly long finger nails would be the chore.
2. Cleaning the bathrooms or polishing the silver?
Why kind of money do you think we have? There is only one option in that question that is applicable. I wish we had silver to polish.
3. Are you one of those insane people who would clean the house before Molly Maid arrived?
I am one of the, “God I wish we could just hire Molly Maid to do this shit.”
4. Whistle while you work, spoon full of sugar, or some other Disney song to make the work go faster?
Nope, no songs make chores go any faster, and no cartoon dwarf work gang can tell me different.
5. How high can the laundry pile before you can no longer ignore it and finally do a load?
There are 4 of us in the house, it takes no time for Laundry to pile up to un-imaginable heights, but honestly the height of the pile is not the determining factor, it is the amount of clean underwear.
Job hunting sucks
I think both the kids may be out to get me
At least they are both doing what they can to keep me from sleeping well
Darn Kids!
A Whole New Mind by Daniel PinkListening to
Wallflowers by
MC FrontalotLabels: 20 Questions, job search
Monday, February 23, 2009
I have 15 minutes to craft the most perfect post ever and I am fairly sure that I will fall well short of that goal, but if one doesn’t set goals, on doesn’t get anywhere. And, trust me one wants to be somewhere instead of nowhere. Nowhere has nothing and no one. And no one wants to be no where basically because that is the only place that no one can truly be, once someone is nowhere, it is no longer nowhere. Funny how that is. The odd thing is that everything at least has nothing which makes you think that it is actually something to “have.” Yet… you would be wrong. Woefully and erringly wrong.
“Erringly wrong is a bit of a redundancy, don’t you think?” Tom asked interrogatively.
“This cannot be happening to me. This cannot be happening to me. This cannot be happening to me. This cannot be happening to me.” Tom repeated again and again.
Anyhoo… The fifteen minutes is almost up….
Life here is still going on
Job search is still ongoing
I have sooo much to do
And an almost bonecrushing amount of time on my hands
Almost too much time to wrap one’s mind around
Definitely too much to prioritize tasks and get them accomplished
Stupid over abundance of time
Listening to
Head for the Hills by Saves the Day
Labels: job search, mad ramblings, Nothing
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Here it is Tuesday again and I didn’t post on this past Thursday or Monday. I am slipping in this un-employmenty thingy.
Anywho… the topic today is “Teeth” and this comes to us by way of Little Man having some more loose teeth and Q adding some more. Anyway, thanks this week go to John P, All Rileyed Up, and Capt McArmypants, and Nadolny.
On to the questions:
1. What is with the saying "by the skin of your teeth"?
I believe it refers to the thin layer of skin that just barely covers a crowning new tooth. It is very sensitive and very thin.
2. Have you ever been in an accident which dislodged one or more of your teeth?
When I was a little kid I knocked out my two front teef, but my mom shoved them back in my skull, and I am once again whole.
3. Do you go for the tribal practice of filing one's teeth into pointed shapes as a coming of age ritual? I saw one on Nova once, I think.
I do not go for that practice. It is a creepy look when someone goes for that practice, creepy indeed.
4. Will the tooth fairy adjust for inflation in this day and age? To me a dime per tooth is a damn good deal.
You, sir are not aquainted with today’s prices.
5. Who has the freakiest looking teeth you have ever seen? Either gross British style or Osmond chiclet white.
Going to go with either the “Big Book of British Smiles” or Appalachian Gaps.
6. I hate that all the elaborate battery-operated kids' toothbrushes don't have the option to replace the heads once the bristles are worn down. Why are toothbrush companies so wasteful?
Planned obsolescence
7. What is your worst personal tooth experience?
Wisdom teeth being removed.
8. Have you ever forcibly removed a loose tooth and how?
Just manual brute force, no doors and string for me.
9. Do you floss Little Man's teeth with a flosser or regular dental floss?
You could have stopped that question with the word “teeth.”
10. How much money did you receive from the tooth fairy and how much do you plan to pay Little Man?
I got a quarter. My parents were rolling in it, yo! We give Little Man $1.
11. How important is teeth to gum ratio to you?
It is a very important ratio. Wifey is much more opinionated about this particular golden mean though.
12. Large buck teeth, God's private joke? or character building?
That ain’t a private joke between you and God.
13. Jewell's grill. Jacked up or kinda refreshing since it is so not Hollywood?
Just jacked up. I used to think it was all refreshing until she started sex kittening herself up… with jacked up teeth. Hey, Snaggletooth, put some damn clothes on or fix the fangs.
14. Think your chillen's gonna need braces?
Oh yeah.
15. Tooth fairy? Have you ever noticed that all our childhood myths we are encouraged to believe in come down to creepy strangers reverse stealing from you? What up with that? Maybe as a nation we should come up with new myths for our children not based on vaguely disturbing home invasion?
You have a point here, one that might need to be discussed at length further.
16. Is this the first he has lost?
Nope, this will be number 3
17. Do you know the proper order the teeth are supposed to come out? (my wife does, anal daughter of a dentist she is)
The same as they came in, if I remember correctly. He is on upper left front right now.
18. What is the medical term for the tooth he lost?
Egg tooth? It goes with his 2-chambered heart.
19. Do you do the tooth fairy thing? I know it is harmless, but the lying to a kid thing gets some parents wigged out. Personally, we lie through our teeth (pun intended).
We are all about the lying to the kids thing. We thought about making up a shit ton of fairies to make him do stuff. The “Plate Cleaning Fairy” will not be pleased and erase all your mp3’s if you don’t finish eating.
20. How much is the going rate for a tooth fairy? What was it when you were a kid? What is the inflation rate of teeth if a train is going 100mph north and...?
We give the little guy $1, but he forgets about it and I buy myself a soda.
To recap:
This unemployment thing is making my internal calendar all wonky
Got a bit of a chest cold at the moment
Stupid congestion
Listening to “Don’t You Evah” by Spoon
Labels: 20 Questions, job search
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
This week I have done the second of my hopefully on-going series of interviews on 20 Questions Tuesday.
For this installment of the weekly show I bring to you oft questioner, lsig. She is known by many names one of which is
nqllisi on
LiVEJOURNAL. Her blog can be found
Lsig and I have known each other since college. She was dating my roommate and was just a simple pleasure to have hanging around in the apartment. In many ways ksig and Wifey and lsig and I are technically better matched than the current couplings, but I think that is why we four have always gotten along so well.
Anyway, the topic of this interview is loosely based around Traffic and Trafficking.
On to the questions!
1. If you had the opportunity to smuggle fresh fruit into Canada, wouldn't you? Canadians want fresh fruit too, right?
It is my understanding Canadians only want maple syrup and beer. And pie. I know a Canadian who really likes pie. She likes Skittles, too.
2. Skittle pie? That sounds horrendous.
I didn't say I liked it- I'm not Canadian.
3. What would it take for you to become Canadian? Everyone has their price, Lsig. Everyone.
Well, they'd have to cough up some fresh fruit.
4. Some fresh plums from Chili and you are singing "Oh Canada?" Where is your loyalty?
I still support the perpetually losing Cleveland sports teams, despite having moved away from northeast Ohio nearly a decade ago. I am the very definition of loyalty.
5. Speaking of Cleveland sports teams. That Lebron is something else, isn't he?
If by "something else," you mean "Lsig's imaginary boyfriend", then yes. Yes, he is.
6. Why haven't you started following more local sports franchises. You left the greater Cleveland area almost 10 years ago. One would think you would start identifying yourself more geographically with the DC area franchises by now.
Well, aside from the whole "loyalty" thing, the Redskins and Wizards haven't been that great in the time we've been here. The Nationals were fun to root for when they first started, and as a National League team they don't conflict with the Indians for my affection, but we haven't been able to watch many games because of a television rights war going on here. Mostly, though, it's a loyalty thing.
7. Who really introduced you to the fan side of Cleveland sports. Granted I understand that when someone grows up near Cleveland they ate enmeshed intrinsically to the sports franchises up there, but usually there is some person who guides the young into becoming the true fans that the Cleveland area breeds.
My mother loves the Browns and the Indians, so we always had sports on at home. That said, I didn't watch sports myself with any regularity until I started dating KSig. He is certainly the reason I now watch ESPN every night in lieu of the actual news.
8. In many ways, isn't sports news more relevant than global geo-political news?
It is certainly easier to engage with it emotionally. I am equally unlikely to be able to influence the outcome of the next Cavs game and the progress of a genocidal regime somewhere around the world, but it feels a good deal nicer to worry about LeBron's bicep.
9. Back to the idea of traffic. How far is your commute to your job? Should you be envious of me because I have no commute, or should I be envious of you since I have no job?
My commute is generally between 18 and 22 minutes, with an added 6 to 8 minutes to drop off the Siglette. I currently live in one of the two worst traffic areas in the country, so I am ridiculously lucky when it comes to commute times. You should be jealous of me, for this and myriad other reasons. I'm tremendously cool and interesting.
10. Is there a perfect commute window for you such that if you leave 5 minutes earlier or later it takes 15 minutes longer to get where you are going?
Yes, if I leave more than 5 minutes late, I am late by at least fifteen minutes. Of course, on any given day the traffic can be randomly bad even if I leave right on time, so it's always a fun adventure. Fortunately, everyone who works here is in the same boat so no one is too scrupulous about exactly when you walk in.
11. Do you ever bring fruit to the Canadians who work in your office? I know there are Canadians there. Canadians are everywhere, and they act just like polite Americans, so you can't tell who they are... unless there is some hockey on TV.
Oh, maybe offering some fresh fruit would be a way to lure them out of hiding... I must consider this further.
12. Ever thought about selling that kid of yours? I mean really we have all thought about selling our kids, right? Heh, heh, I’m not alone is this, right?
I haven't really considered selling her...but there have been moments when I'd have happily given her away for free. KSig, on the other hand, had a starting bid and a Buy it Now price selected for Ebay.
13. It is the ad write-up that you have to watch out for. If the kid is so great, why are you selling? What do you think the key selling features are for the Siglette?
This teeny wonder is in like-new condition. With big blue eyes, ten fingers and ten toes, and four, yes four original teeth, this little girl is good for all of your peek-a-boo needs. Perfect for picking up every crumb, string, or piece of lint on your carpet, the 2008 model of the Siglette has three speeds- walking, crawling, and sleep. Never worry about losing a family member under blankets again- she'll find whoever is hiding! Need help taking off your glasses or the hat on your head? She has you covered!
14. Are you afraid that anyone you know might want to make the eBay purchase? I know a few who would click "Buy it Now" if Little Man or Q came up for bid.
There are a few people- most of them with some variation of the word "Grandma" in their name.
15. Speaking of "Grandma," is being away from family a blessing or a curse? I know where I fall on this issue.Being far from my family is more of a curse. Shall we leave it at that?
Left at that, it is. It is odd, being away from my family is a blessing.
16. How often do you make the trip "back home?"
Around three times a year, before the Siglette- once in the summer, once around the holidays, and then usually a long weekend by myself at some point, for a holiday or a family reunion, that sort of thing. We'll see how it shakes out now that we have spawned; the family there would certainly like us to come more often, but travel is decidedly more difficult. I suppose it will probably average out to about the same, 2 - 3 times per year.
17. How often does family travel to you?
For the first eight years that we lived here, we'd have family visiting once or twice a year. In the last 11 months, strangely enough, we've been visited 9 or 10 times. Weird.
18. Is it for the fruit? They may be secretly Canadian?
Heaven forbid! We wouldn't want a rumour like that to get oot. Out! I mean out.
19. Will you be posting this interview on your blog as well?
That's a good idea. It'll be nice to show my blog readers how famous I am.
20. Anything emblazoned on your memory about this interview?
Something about fruity Canadians?
To recap:
Still applying myself like glue
I have a pretty hideous headache at the moment
It is purely weather related
Stupid weather
For some reason this 60 degree shift has messed with my sinuses
Why hello, Fluffy

So you have the Cavs over the Pacers tonight, I see
Listening to
All Better Now by Earl Greyhound
Labels: 20 Questions, interview, job search, Pine Marten in tha House
Monday, February 09, 2009
The funny thing about Mondays when you are un-employed is that they are eerily similar to Sundays just with better daytime TV.
Thing the First: I love my wife dearly. One of the main reasons that I love her is that we have never
(let me repeat for emphasis) NEVER
(and once with color) NEVER celebrated Valentine's Day. You read that right, boys. I gots a woman, who happens to be HAWT that doesn't give a rats ass about Valentine's Day. In fact, she detests the "holiday." I am a lucky lucky man.
Thing the Second: One of the reasons we don't care about Valentine's Day, is that we got engaged on Feb 7th. Therefore the 14th means diddley-squat. We got engaged 13 years ago this past Saturday. We decided that we did not want to be cliche and get engaged on Valentine's Day. That seems too predictable... too blah. Therefore I popped the question the week before.
Thing the Third: The cupboards are bare. We needed to go grocery shopping yesterday, but that was just not in the cards. Maybe tonight we will get some groceries.
To recap:
Resumes are out
I have not gotten any nibbles on them
It is a good resume
I gots skilz
A 20 Questions Tuesday interview is set up for tomorrow
So far we are on question 13
We need to bang out the last 7 and call it done
Labels: job search, mad ramblings
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Well, it has been a while since I posted anything for a Digital Thursday. That is how it is sometimes. I am attempting to focus a bit more on my graphic design and art stuff whilst unemployed, so hopefully this weekly occurrence will occur
weakly weekly.
Wifey asked me to illustrate some of the information that was recently gleaned by one of the groups to which she belongs. The idea is that the information that they have learned so far for this particular project has created their purpose and that the purpose is wrapped in some questions. I added the bees because I liked the idea that there are certain aspects of their jobs that "cross-pollinate" from project to project. That is why I added the bees.
Anyhoo... Here is my attempt at the harvest of the information of a meeting I did not have the opportunity to attend.
Click to embiggenAll total this was about 7 hours of work. If I knew exactly how I was going to treat the words right from the begiining, it would have been right around 5 hours. There are parts of this that I really love and there are parts that don't work that great. I am not going to spend much more time on it because Wifey needs to get it to the people who attended the meeting. If I had another 5 hours of un-interupted time I could really dial into it and tighten up the pieces that I feel are weak. Then it would be worthy of a fridge door, fo sho!
To recap:
I have sent out veritable digital boatloads of resumes
So far I haven't gotten anything back
That is my update for the job sitch
I am about to go out for a work out
Because I can
And really because I should
Listening to
Fire Starter by the Prodigy
Have a great weekend, everyone
Labels: Digital Thursday, job search
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Ah, the obligatory post. You know what the obligatory post means? It means that it is Wednesday. I am thinking about boycotting the entire idea of posting on Wednesdays because I am constantly baffled for posting ideas on Wednesdays.
One would think that there are some over-riding themes going on in the
SRH noggin at the moment. Well, that is true, but I do not want to bore you fine readers with the sordid details of my seedy job search. Really it is quite boring. Every morning I check the updated job listings on a myriad of sites and then apply to some and feel disdain for most others. It is a thrilling experience. Oh, if you could only be me... you lose sleep at night, don't you?
Anywho... I have some stuff I am working on for
Wifey. It will be tomorrow's Digital Thursday.
To Recap:
Wednesdays are kinda boring
Maybe there is something good on TV
Ooooh Life is starting back up
Check you fools later
Labels: job search, mad ramblings, Obligatory Post
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Well, in honor of my recent employment status, I have deemed today’s 20 Questions Tuesday to be all about getting laid off and unemployment. In fact it is soooo special it is the Special 30 Questions edition!
Thanks this week go to ACW, The Previously-Named-Lord-Pithy-Yet-No-Longer-Named-That-Due-to-Its-Length, JohnP, Capt McArmypants,
Belsum, and
On to the questions:
1. What about healthcare? Cobra?
I am not sure that Cobra is an organization that has good healthcare.
2. What was the first thing you did to take your mind off of Jan 23rd?
Wake up on January 24th.
3. Job search is limitless, right? No constraints holding you to Columbus.
I love the city and really love my house, so there is a bit of a pull to stay in the ‘Bus, but I am not limiting myself to this area in my job search.
4. How long do you have to wait before receiving unemployment checks?
I have no idea. I should probably see if my first unemployment deposit has hit yet.
5. Does this mean your former company is fair game in the blog - or do you need to make should that nothing gets back to them?
No, this does not mean that the former employer is fair game. My time with them, as infuriating as it was, is over. That does not mean I will not throw in quips here or there, but as far as a rant? Nope. That place is dead to me and my soul is the better for it.
6. Are you considering taking up any new hobbies to pass the time? Are you open to suggestions?
I have my hobbies that I have been neglecting. In will be reawakening those past-times. I am not really open to other recommendations as far as past-times.
7. How temtping is it to just say, "Wifey, I think I will use this time to bond with the children. I'm going to be a stay-at-home dad from now on."?
Not very. She is a hitter.
8. What is the single most positive thing you can say about this unemployment experience?
I no longer work for that infernal company.
9. What's your favorite job research source? It is like a compilation of job resources. It gathers up postings from multiple job websites.
10. If you could script the big happy ending in this movie, what would it be (as a suggestion, a big musical number is always nice)?
I would become independently wealthy and commission a musical number to take place at a mall while I was shopping there.
11. What activities will you get involved in whilst you are in between jobs?
I am going to start the exercise regimen again and a drawing practice as well as setting aside some time for some digital art.
12. What job would you absolutely not take even if the money was over the top huge?
Assisstant Crack Whore
13. Have you begun the paperwork for your TARP monies? How did you answer question 57b on form 23-10W? I listed religious affiliation as, other, Jedi.
I will get no TARP monies due to that fact that I am not a bloated overly important financial institution… yet.
14. Are you totally pissed or reflective on this as a learning/personal growth situation?
These are not mutually exclusive categories.
15. Will you allow yourself a week of sleeping in and poor grooming?
I think that is how I lost my job in the first place.
16. If you were independently wealthy would you still want to work?
Somewhat. I would not want to be employed full-time and depending on the level of wealth, I might actually work as the head of some charitable foundation.
17. If the answer is yes, what kinda job would you want?
An easy one.
18. How much money is FU money for you?
I think that I could smurf out a nice existence on 2.5 million after taxes.
19. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to ask questions about unemployment without flat out implying that your current situation really stubs toe?
This situation does suck, but it is a transition and most transitions suck to some degree. The other side of this will be great.
20. When my dad got laid off as the steel industry went bust many many years ago in the Bama, he spent a few months pretty much wandering around the house cleaning. He spent an unhealthy amount of time trying to keep the counter in the kitchen clean, confiscating everything left on the counter after he had cleaned. He would take said confiscated items be they silverware or toys or breadties and put them in a drawer. The drawer became a box and then many boxes. We moved about 8 months after that and to this day there are still several boxes of unorganized garbage / oddkins & bodkins under the new house that no one sorted. My dad went a little bonkers there, but definitely became a better man for it. What is the craziest thing you have done so far? Any predictions on the crazy for the future?
I would love to have an oddkins and bodkins drawer. I now have a mission. May God have mercy on all our souls.
21. Is this your first layoff? Did you know it was coming or were you completely blindsided?
First one. While it was not wholly unexpected, I was a bit surprised at the timing. They usually do this stuff right before Christmas…. Because they care.
22. When I got laid off I just got a local retail job and lived off that plus severance until I figured out what to do next. Any similar plan in the works for you?
Seeing as how they “gave” me 5 weeks severance for 9+ years of service, I really do not have much luxury to just live off that pittance.
23. You’re the third person I know (IRL and online) that’s been laid off since the beginning of 2009 (I’m not counting the DHL employees that found out in 2008 – that would be a LOT). How many do you know?
23 as of Friday the 23rd. The people on the bubble should just be happy that they did not wait and make it 30 on the 30th.
24. People always talk about using their time unemployed to self-educate and make those career changes they’ve always been too afraid of going for. Bullshit or sound advice?
Both. There is a goodly amount of time that one can devote to the learning and such. But looking for a new job is almost a job in and of itself.
25. If you could afford to remain unemployed and be a stay-at-home dad, would you?
I need to interact with adults at some level, so I don’t think I could be a stay-at-home dad.
26. What unemployed movie character do you most resemble, or want to resemble (fyi: I believe Rambo qualifies as unemployed)?
Kermit the Frog at the beginning of the “Muppet Movie”
27. Is a part of you glad that you no longer have to go back to that particular place of employment?
All parts of me are glad that I no longer have to go back to that particular place of employment.
28. If you had to be fired for doing something unscrupulous, what would have been your preferred crime?
Embezzling money for my eventual lay-off.
29. Have you eaten any bon bons since date of termination?
I am more of a bon mot man, myself.
30. I never really got into the whole shtick about bon bons. What gives? They’re not that great.
I have no idea. There are so many better foods to gorge oneself on.
To Recap:
There are a few readers out there that will get this:
“Toke took Tues and I through a few rounds of the Flowgame last night.”There was some direction
I hope to have some Digital Thursday fodder for this week
I am about 15% done with digitally coloring a pic
I am about 10% happy with what I have done so far
Which is about 80% away from what I had envisioned
Listening to
The Beast and the Dragon, Adored by Spoon.
Labels: 20 Questions, job search
Monday, February 02, 2009
So on Friday the 23rd of January, 2009 my employer of 9.5 years decided that my services were no longer necessary. So myself and 23 of my co-workers in the company were “let go.” We had our health insurance benefits terminated that day and were given 5 weeks severance for our service. Sure sure this layoff happened almost 3 weeks to the day that they purchased their second company in 4 months and alerted all their associate level employees that they will not be getting a raise this year. Basically, it was the cheapest shaft my former company could come up with, and they knew it.
But those are the cards that I have been dealt and now I have to play this hand. All in all it is a good thing (in the long term) because that place was killing my soul. In the last year I have gained about 15 to 20lbs and a rather unhealthy dependence on the caffeine found in the wonderous beverage Mt Dew. Due to my emotionally unhealthy work environment I was also going out to lunch almost every day of the week primarily to get the hell out of the office. It is amazing how pathological a place that starts out as merely unhealthy can become when you are there day in and day out for 9 years. That place was truly killing me from the inside out. I could go into tales, but that would just seem like sour grapes.
At the moment the fam and I are trying to figure out where exactly we will land, but the good thing is that it will not be for my previous employer. I am trying to live in the moment and feel where this will take me. The past is but a memory and the future is a fantasy.
To recap:
I ain’t gots no job
Anyone want to hire me?
I am not desperate yet, but if you want desperate, I can do that
Really I can do anything
Just hire me
Oh, God, I need a job!
Why won’t anyone hire me?
Labels: job search, mad ramblings